screencaps by me.
In this episode:
Art lovers
Doyle solves a puzzle
High rises and chest hair
High rises, chest hair, and eyelashes
Bodie thinks
Jaywalking (and elves)
Bodie looks much taller today. Perhaps it's the angle. Or Doyle's forgotten his platforms? (Don't shoot me!)
Lads are charming
Lads laugh
Driving together
Competetive lads
Doyle dances
Doyle enjoys being disrespectful
Hello stranger. (I really have seen better undercover than they do in this scene!)
Doyle looks sweet (What do you mean there are other people in that picture?)
Bodie looks smug
Doyle disapproves
Doyle takes a nap-which is apparently rather amusing for Bodie
Bodie ends up in handcuffs
And of course...Doyle plays with fire